
קפיצה לניווט קפיצה לחיפוש
שורה 94: שורה 94:  
בעמוד 25 מופיעה טבלה עם הבדלי הגישות
בעמוד 25 מופיעה טבלה עם הבדלי הגישות
{| {{table}}
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''נושא רעיוני'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''כלכלת רווחה נאו קלאסית'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''חלופה של הכלכלה האקולוגית'''
| Value Monism ||Reduce value to commensurable monetary units; utility function.||Separate value into incommensurable categories; multi-criteria assessment.
| הסוכן הרציונלי|| Individual consumers and firms at the centre of analysis.||Analyse humans as social actors, consumers versus citizens.
| ניתוח שולי||Comparative statics of marginal changes.||Recognises discontinuous change and total effects
| שינוי אבולוציוני ||Evolution as constrained optimisation, survival of the fittest view of market outcomes, individual based selection.||Importance of contingency, historical accidents, path dependency. Considers altruism and group selection as well as selfishness.
| א-וודאות||Reduce uncertainty to risk. Market outcome focus to decision-making.||Precautionary principle to deal with pure uncertainty. Process-oriented, co-evolutionary focus to decision-making.
| קריטריון להחלטה|| Efficiency as the sole criterion, usually based on potential Pareto improvements.||Equity, stability, resilience of environmental and social systems.
| תהליך הייצור||Theory of allocation of fixed resources; production function.||Production as a biophysical process, thermodynamics; extended IO approach, joint production of goods and polluting wastes.
| היוון||Straight-line discounting of future costs and benefits.||Recognises the difference between individual and social valuation of the future; hyperbolic discounting.

תפריט ניווט