קפיצה לניווט
קפיצה לחיפוש
ניתן ליצור תיעוד על היחידה הזאת בדף יחידה:LocationAndCountry/תיעוד
--[[Adapted from ro:Modul:LocationAndCountry with changes: * Using PropertyLink for linking format * No use of external modules that exist in rowiki but have different version in hewiki such as wikidata and date modules * findLinkToItem/findDateValues/findClaimForTimestamp is local instead of wikidata module * disabled capabilities: * outputReferences * offical/short name ]] -- will display a wikidata property representing a location, followed by a comma and the name of the country, both with wikilinks -- the first argument specifies the parameter to be displayed -- the second argument specifies the entity ID -- the third argument specifies a timestamp showing the moment in time for which the country is to be identified -- the fourth argument specifies the maximum number of values to be processed (default 1) -- the fifth argument specifies the separator to use when displaying multiple values local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local HeDateUtils = require('Module:תאריך') local TableTools = require('Module:TableTools') local PropertyLink = require('Module:PropertyLink') local p = {} function emptyToNil(args) local str = args[1] if str == '' then return nil end return str end local function isValueSnak(snak) return snak and snak.snaktype == 'value' end local function hasValueSnak(claim) return claim and claim.type == 'statement' and isValueSnak(claim.mainsnak) end local function findDateValues(propertyId, entityId) entityId = entityId or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() if entityId then local bestclaims = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(entityId, propertyId) local bestdates = {} if bestclaims then for k, v in pairs(bestclaims) do if hasValueSnak(v) and v.mainsnak.datatype == 'time' then local d = HeDateUtils.newFromWikidataValue(v.mainsnak.datavalue.value) d.claim = v table.insert(bestdates, d) elseif hasValueSnak(v) then local d = {} d.claim = v table.insert(bestdates, d) end end end return bestdates end end local timestampComparator = function(p1, p2) if p1 and p2 then local q1 = p1.qualifiers local q2 = p2.qualifiers local d1 = nil local d2 = nil if q1 and q2 then if q1['P580'] and q1['P580'][1] and q1['P580'][1].datavalue then d1 = HeDateUtils.newFromWikidataValue(q1['P580'][1].datavalue.value) end if q2['P580'] and q2['P580'][1] and q2['P580'][1].datavalue then d2 = HeDateUtils.newFromWikidataValue(q2['P580'][1].datavalue.value) end if d1 and d2 then return not HeDateUtils.le(d2, d1, true) elseif d1 then return true elseif d2 then return false end elseif q1 then return true elseif q2 then return false end else if p1 then return true end if p2 then return false end end return false end local function findSortedClaimsForProperty(entity, propertyId) if entity == nil then entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() end local rawClaims = mw.wikibase.getAllStatements(entity, propertyId) if rawClaims == nil then return {} end table.sort(rawClaims, timestampComparator) return rawClaims end local function findClaimForTimestamp(entityId, propertyId, timestamp) local propClaims = findSortedClaimsForProperty(entityId, propertyId) local bestClaims = {} local bestNoTimeClaim if propClaims then for _,eachPropClaim in ipairs(propClaims) do if hasValueSnak(eachPropClaim) and mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks['RANK_' .. mw.ustring.upper(eachPropClaim.rank)] >= mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks.RANK_NORMAL then if eachPropClaim.mainsnak.datavalue.type ~= 'monolingualtext' or eachPropClaim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language == 'he' then local before = nil local after = nil if eachPropClaim.qualifiers then if eachPropClaim.qualifiers['P580'] and eachPropClaim.qualifiers['P580'][1] and isValueSnak(eachPropClaim.qualifiers['P580'][1]) then before = HeDateUtils.julianToGregorian(HeDateUtils.newFromWikidataValue(eachPropClaim.qualifiers['P580'][1].datavalue.value)) --after = GregorianDate.convertToGregorianIfInInterval(DateUtils.extractDateFromWikidataSnak(eachPropClaim.qualifiers['P580'][1])) end if eachPropClaim.qualifiers['P582'] and eachPropClaim.qualifiers['P582'][1] and isValueSnak(eachPropClaim.qualifiers['P582'][1]) then after = HeDateUtils.julianToGregorian(HeDateUtils.newFromWikidataValue(eachPropClaim.qualifiers['P582'][1].datavalue.value)) --before = GregorianDate.convertToGregorianIfInInterval(DateUtils.extractDateFromWikidataSnak(eachPropClaim.qualifiers['P582'][1])) end end if timestamp then if after == nil and before and not HeDateUtils.le(timestamp, before) then table.insert(bestClaims, eachPropClaim) elseif after and before and not HeDateUtils.le(timestamp, before) and HeDateUtils.le(timestamp, after) then table.insert(bestClaims, eachPropClaim) elseif after and before == nil and HeDateUtils.le(timestamp, after) then table.insert(bestClaims, eachPropClaim) end end if not bestNoTimeClaim or mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks['RANK_' .. mw.ustring.upper(bestNoTimeClaim.rank)] < mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks['RANK_' .. mw.ustring.upper(eachPropClaim.rank)] or (mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks['RANK_' .. mw.ustring.upper(bestNoTimeClaim.rank)] < mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks['RANK_' .. mw.ustring.upper(eachPropClaim.rank)] and not after) then bestNoTimeClaim = eachPropClaim end end end end end if #bestClaims==0 and bestNoTimeClaim then return bestNoTimeClaim end if #bestClaims==1 then return bestClaims[1] elseif (#bestClaims>1) and timestamp then -- disambig: return null and log it mw.log('לא ניתן לשייך מיקום ליישות '..entityId .. ' כיוון שקיימות מספר טענות מתאימות שנכונות ל'..timestamp:toString()..'. ניתן לציין מבחין להגדרה חד ערכית.') return nil else return nil end end local function missingLabelCategory(propertyName) return '[[קטגוריה:ויקינתונים:ערכים_חסרי_תווית_בעברית: ' .. (mw.wikibase.label( propertyName) or propertyName) .. ']][[קטגוריה:ויקינתונים:ערכים_חסרי_תווית_בעברית]]' end p.displayFromParams = function(param, entity, timestamp, maxvalues, separator) if param == nil then return '' end local claims = nil local workingEntityId = nil if type(entity) == 'table' then workingEntityId = entity.id claims = entity:getBestStatements(param) else workingEntityId = entity if not workingEntityId then workingEntityId = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() end if type(entity) == 'number' then workingEntityId = 'Q' .. tostring(entity) end if workingEntityId == nil then return '' end claims = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(workingEntityId, param) end local valueList = {} local valueCount = 0 local missingLabel = false if claims and 0 < #claims then for claimIdx, actualClaim in pairs(claims) do valueCount = valueCount + 1 local locationEntitiesIds = {} local locationNames = {} if actualClaim.mainsnak and actualClaim.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' and actualClaim.mainsnak.datavalue.type == 'wikibase-entityid' then local locationEntityId =actualClaim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id table.insert(locationEntitiesIds, locationEntityId) --attempt to also load administrative unit, but only if present as a qualifier local unitQualifier = actualClaim.qualifiers and actualClaim.qualifiers['P131'] and actualClaim.qualifiers['P131'][1] if unitQualifier and unitQualifier.snaktype == 'value' then table.insert(locationEntitiesIds, unitQualifier.datavalue.value.id) locationNames[unitQualifier.datavalue.value.id] = PropertyLink.formatEntity(unitQualifier.datavalue.value.id) end -- attempt to identify country in the qualifier first, but if it's not, go to the entity local countryQualifier = actualClaim.qualifiers and actualClaim.qualifiers['P17'] and actualClaim.qualifiers['P17'][1] local countryId = nil local ts = nil if countryQualifier and countryQualifier.snaktype == 'value' then table.insert(locationEntitiesIds, countryQualifier.datavalue.value.id) locationNames[countryQualifier.datavalue.value.id] = PropertyLink.formatEntity(countryQualifier.datavalue.value.id) else local countryClaim = nil if timestamp then if type(timestamp) == 'string' and mw.ustring.gmatch(timestamp, 'P%d+') then local wdDates = findDateValues(timestamp, workingEntityId) if wdDates and 0 < #wdDates then local wdDateIdx = 1 while wdDateIdx <= #wdDates and (wdDates[wdDateIdx].claim.type ~= 'statement' or wdDates[wdDateIdx].claim.mainsnak.snaktype ~= 'value') do wdDateIdx = wdDateIdx + 1 end if wdDateIdx <= #wdDates and (wdDates[wdDateIdx].claim.type == 'statement' and wdDates[wdDateIdx].claim.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value') then --wdDates[wdDateIdx] = GregorianDate.convertToGregorianIfInInterval(wdDates[wdDateIdx]) wdDates[wdDateIdx] = HeDateUtils.julianToGregorian(wdDates[wdDateIdx]) ts = wdDates[wdDateIdx] end end end if ts == nil and type(timestamp) == 'string' then ts = HeDateUtils.parseYear(timestamp) elseif ts == nil and type(timestamp) == 'table' and timestamp.year then ts = timestamp end end countryClaim = findClaimForTimestamp(locationEntityId, 'P17', ts) if countryClaim and countryClaim.mainsnak and countryClaim.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then countryId = countryClaim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id table.insert(locationEntitiesIds, countryId) end end locationEntitiesIds = TableTools.removeDuplicates(locationEntitiesIds) local locationNamesList = {} for _,eachLocationId in ipairs(locationEntitiesIds) do local missingEntityLabel = false if not locationNames[eachLocationId] then locationNames[eachLocationId], missingEntityLabel = PropertyLink.formatEntity(eachLocationId) missingLabel = missingLabel or missingEntityLabel --[[ Disabled feature from ro wiki: show the offical name/short name in that timestamp local correspindingShortNameClaim = findClaimForTimestamp(eachLocationId, 'P1813', ts) if correspindingShortNameClaim then locationNames[eachLocationId]= correspindingShortNameClaim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text else local correspondingOfficialNameClaim = findClaimForTimestamp(eachLocationId, 'P1448', ts) if correspondingOfficialNameClaim then locationNames[eachLocationId] = correspondingOfficialNameClaim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text end end ]] end if not missingEntityLabel then table.insert(locationNamesList, locationNames[eachLocationId]) end end if 0 < #locationNamesList then table.insert( valueList, --appendToString({ emptyToNil({table.concat(locationNamesList, ', ')}) -- wikidata.outputReferences(actualClaim) --}) ) end end end end if #valueList == 0 then return '' end if separator == nil then separator = '; ' end if maxvalues > #valueList then maxvalues = #valueList end if missingLabel then return table.concat(valueList, separator, 1, maxvalues) .. missingLabelCategory(param) else return table.concat(valueList, separator, 1, maxvalues) end end p.displayFromArgs = function(args) local param = nil local entity = nil local timestamp = nil local maxvalues = 1 local separator = '; ' if args[1] or args['param'] then param = args[1] or args['param'] end if args[2] or args['entityId'] then entity = args[2] or args['entityId'] end if args[3] or args['timestamp'] then timestamp = args[3] or args['timestamp'] end if args[4] or args['maxvalues'] then maxvalues = tonumber(args[4] or args['maxvalues']) end if args[5] or args['separator'] then separator = args[5] or args['separator'] end return p.displayFromParams(param, entity, timestamp, maxvalues, separator) end p.displayFromFrame = function(frame) local args = getArgs(frame, { frameOnly = true }) return p.displayFromArgs(args) end p.displayFromParentFrame = function(frame) local args = getArgs(frame, { parentOnly = true}) return p.displayFromArgs(args) end return p