אני ממשיך לקרוא, ניראה מה יצא. [[משתמש:Shahard|-- שחר]] 15:59, 5 יולי 2006 (CDT)
אני ממשיך לקרוא, ניראה מה יצא. [[משתמש:Shahard|-- שחר]] 15:59, 5 יולי 2006 (CDT)
{{LTR|There are various structures that are not explicit in the model such as a Social Security System and foreign trade. Also the model does not contain limits from land, pollution, and resources that would slow and stop growth. I believe the absent structures are not necessary to the issues that the model does address and can be added in the future or, perhaps better, be handled in smaller specific models.}}
הוא לא ממש מחסידי הכלכלה האקולוגית... [[משתמש:Shahard|-- שחר]] 08:44, 8 יולי 2006 (CDT)